Diablo 2 Raise Skeleton


A NECROMANCER’S GUIDE TO SURVIVE!!!Fighter Necromancer GuideThis will be very difficult until you are Level 20-30. The reason this willbe difficult is because this Necromancer is not a Zookeeper, he is a FighterNecromancer I have tried this strategy and it is very, very effective!Summoning Skills1. What you should do before anything is add 5 points to Skeleton Mage (these guysare really good because they work as decoy’s and also attack enemy’s without beingkilled if they are in a bone prison), and add ONLY ONE point to Raise Skeleton.2.

Then, add 1 SKILL POINT ONLY to Clay Golem and Golem Mastery, you should alsodo the same for Blood Golem, then once you can MAX OUT your Fire Golem Skill.3. Then, you should add only 3 skill points to Revive.Poison and Bone Spells1. Add 5 points to Bone Armor.2. Then, add ten points to Bone Prison.3. Then, add only One Point to Poison Nova because this Skill is Worthless afterNormal Difficulty, but will stop them from healing.4.

Diablo 2 Raise Skeleton

Only add 1 or 2 points to bone spear because it is more of a crowd-controllingdevice.5. Put 20 on Bone Spirit because it does more damage and seeks a target but onlyattacks 1 monster unlike Bone Spear Therefore it is really your choice betweenBone Spirit and Bone Spear.Curses1. If I were you I would concentrate on raising Iron Maiden only (to 20 points).Zookeeper Necromancer GuideWARNING!!! I HAVE NOT TRIED THIS STRATEGY YETThis is the easiest and still a favorite way to be a Necromancer.Summoning Skills1. Put one point on Raise Skeleton and then Skeleton Mastery and keep on doing Iin that order till they are both level 10.2.

Then, put 10 points into Skeleton Mage.3. After that, put one point into Golem Mastery and Summon Golem and keep on doingthat till they are both level 10.4. Then, keep on putting points into Blood Golem until you can Summon a Fire Golem.5. Then, max out your Fire Golem Skill.6. After that put 10 into Revive and revive the best (non-boss or magical creatureor human) that u can find (just a normal one).7. Star plus serials hotstar chandra nandini. Then from there on Max out your Golem Mastery and Bone Prison and Bone Armorskills in that order.Some Equipment You Should Consider For A NecromancerWormskull HelmetVery Good Light Armor (because a Necromancer needs to run away from battle A LOT)Tuang-Oul’s SetTower Shield with 3 Perfect Amethyst (Purple) Gems.Goblin Toe BootsNecromancer Wand +2 Necromancer SkillsGood High Level Dueling Tip For The NecromancerWhenever you are in the Blood Moor (whenever no-one is looking) go to the Way Point(WP) and go to The Cold Plains. Then, kill some monsters and raise 10 Bone Mages(Make Sure Skeleton Mastery is at Level 10) Summon a Level 20 Fire Golem a Level 3Revived corrupted Rogue (probably an archer).

Diablo 2 Raise Skeletal Mage

Diablo 2 raise skeleton movie

Then, make sure that your Bone Prisonis at Level 10 and Bone Spirit is at Level 20. If all this is capable then go backto the Blood Moor (without using the Way Point WP) and make sure that they stayimprisoned with a Fire Golem inside of the cage with them and Skeleton Mages firingat him while you blast him with Bone Spirit.A Few Basic Tips For A Necromancer1. Make Sure you are at least Level 30 before fighting Diablo on Normal if youdon’t want to take Massive Damage.2. Make Sure you are at Level 35 to go into the Cow Level.3. DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT!!! Kill the Cow King, because if you do YOU cannot re-make the cow level on that same difficulty but you can still join in the level ifsomeone else makes it.4.

Do Mephisto Runs (meaning basically, keep on making password games and make sureyou are equipped with EVERY magic finding armor, rings, and amulets there are. Thereason you should do this is because he drops a TON of Set and Rare Items wheneveryou do this. For example I found the Wormskull Helmet and Full Sigon Armor in only3 Games (3 Mephisto Runs).5. Diablo does not drop near as good or as many Items as Mephisto.6. Whenever fighting Mephisto make sure that you move around constantly because aGhost that you cannot attack will hold you for 10-30seconds while Mephisto poundsthe shit out of you.7. Never do Hardcore unless you want to lose your character FOR GOOD!8. Never wear heavy armor unless you want to die a lot, because as a Necromanceryou need to run to avoid battle a lot.9.

Never use a lot of skill points into the skills that I did not list above ( Atbeginning of First Page).10. Level up Strength until it is 60 then Energy till 60 then Dexterity to 40 andVitality to 40, after that it is your choice.This Ends The Guide To The Necromancer For Now!If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions please e-mail me at.