Filter Date Angular 6

Munjal Pandya 20-Dec-Dec-17 18:31Dear Yaseer,This is a very good article series. Would like you to guide in case of below points.1. Date pipe - In case I want to show the date field value in dd/MMM/yyyy format, where do I need to make change? For Example, (10/May/1984).2. Conditional Display of column - For example I want to display the value in column conditionally based on the actual value stored in DB.

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For Example, If DB value is 'G', I need to display 'Generated'. This can surely be achieved from server side controller, but can this be done on client side using this datagrid control?

Angular List Filter

Angular Material Data Table - Paging, Sorting, FilteringContent discussed:- render angular material table from a list- display processing data - no data & loading data- implement paging,sorting and filter operation- customize filter operation of angular material data tableDownload Project From:➤Buy me a Coffee (Channel Support By Donation)➤Subscribe to this channel➤Link to this video➤Our Website➤ Complete Angular Material Tutorial 1. Form Design2. Firebase CRUD previous video 3. Angular Material Data Table this one 4. Angular Material Popup next video5.