Cold Waters Russian Subs Mod Bugs
An anonymous reader quotes The Hill:Russian submarine activity to North America and Europe has raised concerns among NATO officials, according to The Washington Post. NATO officials say an unprecedented amount of Russian deep-sea activity, especially around undersea internet lines, constitutes a newfound 'vulnerability' for NATO nations.
'We are now seeing Russian underwater activity in the vicinity of undersea cables that I don't believe we have ever seen,' said NATO submarine forces commander and U.S. Navy Rear Adm. Andrew Lennon.
'Russia is clearly taking an interest in NATO and NATO nations' undersea infrastructure.' 'The Russian Defense Ministry did not respond to a request for comment about the cables,' reports the Washington Post, adding that 'prowling around' the cables 'could give the Kremlin, officials said.' They cite the commander of NATO's submarine forces, who says 'We know that these auxiliary submarines are designed to work on the ocean floor, and they're transported by the mother ship, and we believe they may be equipped to manipulate objects on the ocean floor.' I love how the liberals all think Trump is Putin's stooge. Putin is the enemy, but he really doesn't give a fuck about Donald Trump. Putin's real game is to divide the USA between left and right, white and black.
He is doing it very effectively. If the liberals really wanted to give a finger to Putin they would support Donald Trump and join forces with the conservatives and unite behind the flag of the United States.The conservatives should do the same thing and unite with the liberals. Support black. Russia hunts terrorists and removes their bases and support structures. A very simple mission that everyone can support and understand.The USA is doing regime change, supporting color revolutions globally.So the USA has to create, support and supply 'freedom fighters' all around the world.That gets difficult to spin as been good news.Faith based groups funded and supported by the USA trying to take over normal governments who do not want to fall to US backed faith based insurgents.Russia has on. The concern is what?
The Russians might interfere with NSA monitoring gear installed on the cables?Why the folks in Washington, London, Brussels, and Bonn are determined to make enemies out of Russia, Iran, and - if possible - China eludes me. (North Korea is perhaps a somewhat different case as Kim Jong-un may actually be crazier than Trump - assuming that to be possible). As Rodney King once said, 'Can't we all just get along?' Anyway, IMO the chances of worldwide digital communications remaining up. The US used to (still does, I bet) tap Russian cables. Turnabout is fair play?Read 'Blind Man's Bluff' for stories of us playing all sorts of crazy sub games against the Russians.Kinda feels like we've got a new Cold War, don't it? Only now it's an Information / Data / Commerce thing, not a Nukes thing.A more concerning question is: Have they installed cable severing devices that can be remotely triggered?
I suppose a remotely-triggered bomb would be easy enough, but it might be something more sophisticated, such as a method to turn off a repeater and then turn it back on again later.If we ever get into a war with a country that has submarines (or Disney, for that matter), expect intercontinental internet and phone service to be gone for the duration.This would be a crippling economic tactic, so long as the US would suffer more than the country at war. For most countries it would be a net win for them.I can't think of any realistic way to protect this asset, either.Maybe satellite internet (per previous Slashdot article) isn't such a bad idea?
A more concerning question is: Have they installed cable severing devices that can be remotely triggered? I suppose a remotely-triggered bomb would be easy enough, but it might be something more sophisticated,Well. We should help our carriers inspect our cables, and if anyone's installed such a device, then that in itself is an act of war and must be met with sanctions against the country responsible.In fact. We really should NOT tolerate foreign nations poking about with ANY craft on the ocea.
Cold Waters Sub Mods
Was going to bring up just this same thing. We tapped the undersea cable in the sea of Okhotsk in the early 70s, operation Ivy bells was the name of it. So they are sniffing around the cables?
The fact is that they can monitor/ interrupt data just fine by compromising the network infrastructure that the internet runs on. I suspect that they are looking at the easiest locations to sever the cables in a time of war. Remember that the Chinese are also out there in the cyber war arena as well. Throw in the North Koreans and the Iranians and the environment is pretty grim. The fact is that they are all facing the American industrial and military as targets of their cyber efforts to even the technological fields and to be ready for possible disruption. We are good but they are many. That and we train them in our schools and then send them home.
The US used to (still does, I bet) tap Russian cables. Turnabout is fair play?Read 'Blind Man's Bluff' for stories of us playing all sorts of crazy sub games against the Russians.Kinda feels like we've got a new Cold War, don't it? Only now it's an Information / Data / Commerce thing, not a Nukes thing.And the Russians spied on the US, got a hold of US naval cipher machines, decoded US naval signals traffic into the 1980s, stole all kids of other military information and industrial trade secrets, compromised and blackmailed politicians, the list goes on. It's not as if the Russians were somehow unfairly victimised and that we should let them tap our signals traffic wholesale to make up for our past unfair transgressions against poor mother Russia because there weren't any. I say chase these subs off, if t. The Soviets screwed up by assuming that cables at the bottom of the ocean couldn't be tapped.
It's now public knowledge that they can be tapped. So tapping data lines does them no good unless they can break encryption that is routinely used these days.So looking at exploit scenarios, there's two that stand out. The first is that Russia discovers (or plants) a weakness in some commonly used crypto software, and then quietly uses that with their taps. The second is that they simply disrupt communications. I'm astonished: either the news-makers are amazingly stupid (the US has more or less openly discussed their task-specific subs capable of tapping such cables for twenty years.which means they've been able to do it for at least thirty), or this is another mendacious effort to paint the Russians as some sort of special bogeyman (they're still our primary strategic competitor, as they have been more or less for decades even after the cold idea the previous president openly mocked, I'll remind everyo.
Towards well, your guess as good as mine.Fact is that nervousness is increasing with all the little acts some 'not so smart' people are undertaking.How did wars start? Some event, be it a shot or some other rocket started, when the exciting level is pushed up and the spark ignites.Are people learning from the past, looking at the current actors, definitely no. All feeding their own insanity and the millions either seduced by emotional excitement or staying remote in disgust are suffering from those the games those jerks play.Truly amazing that this nonsense still happens.System failure, reset & reboot, but on what hardware??? You can bet that there will be explosives placed in various locations under the main internet communication links. Should it be required, a remote detonation signal could be sent and then say goodby to the internet. I suppose if they were going to go that far then they would also disable / destroy any satellites.
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Europe and the US would have almost all communications cut - good luck responding to a Russian threat in a timely manner.This is all theoretical but if I were Russia, I would do it. Much easier then tapping into cables and there would be no way to find said explosives. Not sure if you knew but the Internet is designed to route around damage. There are plenty of lines running between the US and Russian-controlled waters, what would blowing one up accomplish?Even if they managed to take out everything in the Atlantic, there would still be capacity via satellite, radio and Pacific links. The only 'use' of this exercise would be to tap traffic, but then what idiot throws about valuable data unencrypted on the Internet.
Additionally, if they managed to tap a line, then they wo. All Internet connection would not have to be severed - all it would take is the majority of underwater cables being severed at the same time. Such an event would cause sufficient gridlock to make the Internet useless.
Russian Fansubs
The 'self healing' nature of the Internet can barely correct for accidents - let alone deliberate sabotage. That is why I described a scenario involving explosives triggered by a remote signal. Sending underwater transmissions is difficult. There are severe bandwidth limitations with hug. I suspect that we know just where they are working around the cables. Ever hear of hydrophone strings?
Locating the devices would not be to hard.We are all racing towards quantum entangled communications, the Chinese especially. This will render brute force attacks on the physical links between Europe and the US of minimal value at best. I give it 10-20 years before they are them.
None of the countries want any major war, it is easier to hose the people with banks, insurance companies, and shitty b. I hate to disappoint 'The Hill' but this kind of thing was stock and trade for cold war era antics.And the way the article was written; you would think it was edited by a 2nd grader that can't find the term DSRV anywhere or look up the evolution of deep diving vessels that manipulate things on the ocean can rent one for repairing underwater oil pipelines from offshore rigs.